Capacity development

BIOPAMA aims at developing the capacity of key stakeholders to make effective use of the tools and services provided by the Regional Observatories. BIOPAMA trains protected area staff and other key actors involved in decisions affecting protected areas on how to use and apply the BIOPAMA tools, the Reference Information Systems, and the different assessment tools.

The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) calls on initiatives such as BIOPAMA “to align capacity-building so as to further support implementation of national action plans for the programme of work on protected areas, and to continue to develop technical guidance to achieve the full scope of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 (CBD COP 11 Decision XI/24)”.

Capacity development has been a strong focus of the BIOPAMA Programme since the first phase. Regional strategies for capacity development were developed based on assessments and regional consultations. More than 120 trainings and workshops were organized and more than 2,000 professionals, NGOs, academia, local communities and private sector were trained on relevant protected area subjects for their specific contexts.

Capacity development opportunities offered by BIOPAMA will be announced on this page.